Thread: need some tunes
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Old 07-01-2002, 11:36 PM   #8
Half a bubble off!
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Winfield, Ks, USA
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IMO there is absolutely no reason to ever cut into a perfectly fine dash, and it is absurd to cut into doors. There are both stereos and speakers available that can provide great sound, without butchering a perfectly good truck. Custom Autosound has everything available in a stereo that will fit right into the stock position, I have one and it's great. Ironhorse, I wish you would have mentioned this topic when we were at the Winfield car show, I would have fired up some good tunes, whatever your pleasure, he-hee! I have encased speakers under the seat, and they CAN be heard! Sorry if I rant guys, but cutting un-necessary holes in perfectly good sheet metal is ridiculous! Speakers in door holes draw moisture and get wet from weather, car washes, etc., unless of course you're that idealic individual that seals them perfectly and never washes your truck.
Just call me LB.
'71 Cheyenne, 402BB, hauls blondes, brunettes, or redheads.
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