Thread: need some tunes
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Old 07-02-2002, 12:40 AM   #11
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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There is no room on the drivers side in the corner, and I don't personally like the headliner thing...too much like K-mart rash to me...but it's just my opinion.
If the cab corners can be can the inside of the door.
I have already cut my dash, and over a year later, I still have no regrets. I woulda cut my doors, but I haven't found any worth cutting yet. As for the stereo hole, you can get units now that you dopn't need to cut up for, but you can spend alot less, and get alot more, and cut it. Plus, if/when the stereo dies, you can get another D.I.N.'ll fit. No tellin if JVC will still be making those once everyone who wants one, has one in there rig.
If your windows leak, and you haven't replaced the seals, get poly speakers.
I knew I'd ket bashed for this, but WOW! I think there is a mob at my door now, all waking tranny dip sticks trying to whip me with them.
And may well be the best place that is not directly over your head.
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