Originally Posted by cableguy0
it doesnt matter matter how "secure" you think your truck is the only thing stopping someone is a piece of glass not a hard obstacle to get around. if someone wants to get in they will i dont care what you have to try and stop them. use the slider it has far superior airflow in the summer with no ac plus as mentioned cold beverage cans pass nicely into the bed
True enough that a skilled thief will enter any vehicle they want to but that doesnt mean you have to send them a written invitation to steal from you. Its like this .... there are 10 trucks on a block, one of them has a sliding glass window that can be opened by ANYONE (even a 13yr old punk) ..... which truck is going to be the thiefs first target?
If its a beater and youll never keep anything of value in it then a sliding window might be a nice thing to have but if you have anything you want to keep in your truck .... make a thief at least work for it ..... dont just give it away.
Personally my garage door opener is in my car in my driveway and there is PLENTY in my garage i dont want stolen so i make sure i have adequate security protecting it.