Originally Posted by greasemonkey
Some people act like sliding windows don't lock, geez. It wouldn't be that easy to get into. Mine is very secure, I don't know how you would be able to unlock it without breaking the glass. If someone wants to break into a truck, it won't matter about the back window, they would just pick the one that has the best stereo. Get an alarm if you're that paranoid.
That being said, living in FL with no AC, I love my sliding back window, though it gets noisy with dual Flowmaster 40s under the bed. 
If by "lock" your refering to the plastic peice that keeps it from sliding open then yeah i guess you can call it that but ive helped out more than a friend or two who locked there keys in their truck and it only takes a thin object to pop that "lock" .... anything found on the ground will do it.