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Old 12-06-2004, 07:25 PM   #12
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Location: Deer Park, Tx.
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Bring it down here on a trailer. You buy the materials and I will paint it and color sand and buff that thing for you. I suggest painting it single stage urethane black first and then block color sand it with 600 and put those stripes on it white that you want and then put about 4 coats of clear over all of that and then color sand from 1000 grit and finish with 2000 grit and then buff. Pre align all of your panels and doors and then drill 1/8 holes in the hinges enough for a rivet to fit through and then disassemble again and then paint and reassemble. I'll even color sand and buff inside the door jambs and fenders for you like we do on our restorations.
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