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Old 12-07-2004, 06:58 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by 1969 GMC
I saw one of those full roll down rear windows on a 67-72 once, but I forget where. They also have them on the new Ford Super crew F150's, I think its a neat design. Although to put one in a 67-72 pretty much precludes the use of the in cab gas tank.

My rear slider has the metal latch too, once I even locked my keys in my truck and tried to get into it that way. Didn't work with my pocket knife. I did, however, pop the wing vent like Maximum Overdrive said, and had a girl with slender arms reach in and pop the handle for me.
I was told that the handle wouldnt pop the lock on these trucks?

I saw someone post an old ad here once about a removable rear window but it looked kinda cheesy but then again the ad looked 30 years old.
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