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Old 12-09-2004, 01:35 AM   #25
Still drivin' a Rat Rod
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Monett Missouri
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I have only had one really bad short,and it was in the steering column,and happened while I was driving it,so by the time I got pulled over,the damage was already done.I figure if you're in the truck,and a short happens,by the time you get the hood up,and the cable undone,the wiring is toast,and your fingers are welldone.The only time I really worry about frying something is when I'm working on the truck,which I hope isn't too often.Other than then I tighten the cables down.I hate to get in to a dead battery,or have it go "CLICK" in a dark parking lot in the rain.
Rusty Member #13872
Instead of are a discomfort in the back of my should be able to say...... you are a pain in the *a$#*

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