Thread: Winter Ride
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Old 12-09-2004, 08:22 AM   #1
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Winter Ride

I got my parents good this time. It getting close to christmas they wanted to get me some stuff right? Well, honestly I couldnt think of anything I wanted. They shopped and got all of my sister's stuff and kept bugging me for the last couple of weeks to find something. So I did, a truck. Funny thing is they wanted me to pick something so bad then when I did they didnt really want to get it lol. Anyway, I got this from my grandpa for $800. Its what he payed for it (he bought it and his 76 4x4 together for $2,500..not bad huh?).

I plan on dropping the insurance on my nova till next summer and just drive this during the winter. My car spins to easily on wet roads so it would be bad on ice, so driving this will be better anyway. I could probally afford insurance on both, but I cant afford insurance AND gas for both. On the plus side, this big truck will get better gas mileage then the nova . Hard to believe
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