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Old 12-09-2004, 01:20 PM   #1
sam's 72
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Pasadena, Texas, USA
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Truck will not crank over!....HELP ME!!

My son has a 98 chevy truck. ( I wanted to post here due to getting more hits ) The other night it would not start. Cranked over like a dead battery. So he put a new starter on it. ( Bought from chevy dealer ship ) still would not crank over.( Sounds like a dead battery, just barely rolls over ) The battery is a side mounted post, I checked it out and it looked bad to me. Where the cables hooked up, you could not get the positive side tight. So I went down bought a top mounted battery, and put it in with all new clamps. The battery is showing 13.8 volts. Still the same thing. When you hit the key, it turns over like a dead battery, just barely rolls over. I do not understand what could be wrong here? All the wire going to starter is good, all connection are good. There is a wire that runs over to an electric box under hood that has a lot of fuses and relays in it. There is a starter relay in this box. Do you think this could be the problem. I figured if the relay was bad, it would not even roll over. What do you guys think??????????. Help me out guys
72 LWB chevy truck.
Pasadena, Texas
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