Tilt levers for sale
I have a total of 4 tilt levers for sale...
The two upper ones are out of Jeep Cherokees...the older ones from the 70's. They both look great, and screw right into any GM tilt you would have installed. It'll fit your camaro or Malibu...what ever. These ones are just a bit shorter than stock, and fatter. Good looking lever that doesn't look out of place IMO.
The 3rd one down is not for sale, it is a factory tilt lever, and shown only for reference.
The lower two, came off of late '70's trans ams if memory serves. They will also screw right into any GM tilt column.
The chrome on all 4 levers is awsome, the black section on all are decent...not mint, but VERY presentable.
I think these are a great replacement for the ugly rubber tipped lever that you'd find on a van tilt column. While they are not stock, and don't match the turn signal, they are much closer, and better looking.
7 bucks each, delivered to your door.
No private messages nor E-mails to try and buy...in THIS thread only. All PMs and e-mails will most likely be ignored.
I accept money order, personal check, and I'll take cash, but I prefer not to.
No pay pall or any cool online digital payment.