Thread: Hybrid year???
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Old 12-12-2004, 05:16 PM   #12
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Location: Elkhart, IN
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CCC = Computer Controlled Carburetor (Cali Only)
ESC = Electronic Spark Control (used everywhere)

i am not a GM Tech, nor have i ever claimed to be. i was a GM Counterman, and i am currently an RV Service technician on my way to obtaining an RVIA Certification (RV equivalent of ASE). i've been turning wrenches since i was 10 years old, and could very easily return to college and get my Associates Degree in High Performance Motorsports Technology within a couple months. a little common sense, and a little reading go a long way.

as for the icon and more respect. i could really care less how much you respect me. as i said before, i've been wrenching for the past 14 years, probably 90% of which was on a 73-87 GM C/K truck. i may not know it all, but i've definitely got the basics down. if someone chooses not to respect me because i use a certain icon, screw them. its their choice not to listen to what i have to say.
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