heres what your engine is turning @ 60 MPH..
60 MPH X 1.0 tranny final gearing X 4.10 rear end gears x 336 I don't know what to call this number, it's a calculating # This total sum is then Divided by 27 tire size in inches = 3061 RPM
This formula is one that many of you may have.. Miles Per Hour X tranny output X rear end gears X 336 = ???? # then divide that answer by tire size this equals your RPM @ the speed you started with..
My point being that your rpm is always in the high range in the lower gears where a Tunnel Rams general output is.. Especially when you're "In It".
If you want to get technical,, You could take the gearing of your tranny in low (2nd & 3rd) gear and input that along with a slower speed to see what your RPM is when you shift into the different gears..