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Old 12-19-2004, 11:04 PM   #11
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Originally Posted by Brainchild
It seems that is the place that always fails on these ol trucks,that little block on the fender or close to it.That is the power to the inside of the truck.

I did away with it,and ran the wire down to the battery post on the starter.
That's becouse there is a fuseable link in that's supposed to do that (burn up and open the circuit) when something isn't right.

Originally Posted by gonebad2
I've had the same problem in the past. Turned out to be a bad ignition switch. The copper internal contacts get worn and make a poor connection. I have seen them go bad without warning. Turn the key to the start position and see if you have power to the coil. I had a coil go bad. The truck would run ok at low rpm's then cough at high rpm's...Good luck
I've seen that happen too...pull the plug and chack the plug for burned spots, check both the switch side, and the harness side.

Driving with the coil wired like that will burn up your points real fast. It needs a resistance wire to drop the voltage down to 9 or so.

I'm betting that your points are bad and that is why it wouldn't start in the first place.
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