68 50th, I buy and ship cars to Italy and pay no sales tax in the States. Have the title signed over to you, take a bill of sale with you and have it signed by the seller and you in front of a Notary Republic. Walk into any bank (preferably the seller's) and there are Notary Republics at every desk and most will glady notarize for free if the seller is a member. I usually slip them a $20 or $50 as I might use them for other documents as well or again in the future. In Texas they will notarize you butt if you pay them!!!
You only pay sales tax if you register the vehicle in the state. For example, if you buy a truck in Texas and live in Oklahoma, you pay tax to Oklahoma when you transfer the title and tag from Texas. Never pay the state you don't live in.
Just make up a bill of sale that has all the vehicle information, maybe do it in English and Swedish, I do mine in English/Italian because not many English speakers here in customs. Don't see that as a problem in Sweden. When the vehicle arrives in Europe you pay import tax and duties based upon the bill of sale. Not sure what Sweden's import taxes are. They are 20% here in Italy and 10% more in Duty Tax because it comes from outside of the EC (European Community) and trucks are taxed even higher, 30% + 10%. So, an old truck is probaly worth maybe $800.00, or maybe a $1,000. You pay tax on that if you know what I mean...Just tell the seller to put the price you want and tell him you will never see him again. I have had no problems.