summit is one of the more expensive places to buy a 383 stroker crank . All you really need is the crank and the pistons, and flexplate/flywheel-balancer. Since you are somewhat limited in what cam you can use because of clearance issues you probably wont be revving it over 5500 or so due to cam limitations. So removing a little off the rod big ends wont be diffficult or damaging during mockup. Once you get the rods clearanced you can take it all apart and bring the assy to the balancer. Theres a few outfits selling 383 cranks on ebay. They are ALL repackaged SCAT cranks. Your best bet is to go with the INTERNALLY balanced 383 crank so you save the cost of a flywheel and a balancer and put it towards the cost of the crank. heres a few links with the last one being internally balanced. At $205 its a steal...