yes it was a member.he does not want it known that he bought it for some reason.(???)as for my next project.i have a 89 2500 i drive that is a 6 lug and a 1500 that i dont drive.its time to switch the body onto the 5 lug and sell off the parts from the 6 lug.i finished our 54 chevy 210 (Car) this summer so now i have to do a cleanout of all the parts. i have a 40000 mile orig 2 door 1981 malibu that is in great shape to get out of my hair.then in jan or so i will go out on a hunt for a 50/60s chevy truck.ineed to keep my trucks on the road because i do alot of hunting and i hate to bring deer home on my
Last edited by littlemike; 12-22-2004 at 11:31 AM.