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Old 12-22-2004, 08:53 PM   #17
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There is a later model Chevy truck here in town with a smoothed tailgate. I've seen it a few times but not close enough to get specifics. But anyway, the licence plate sits recessed into the tailgate. And I mean recessed like 2" or more! It is boxed all the way around except a space at the top. He has a clear cover that fits flush with the outside of the tailgate. The tag light is above the plate, INSIDE the tailgate. At night its like a backlighting effect, like a dispaly case. It actually looks pretty cool.

If you could actually form the plexi-glass cover into the tailgate and make it flush, with no edges, to retain the smooth look. Then access the licence plate from inside the tailgate, it would look sweet I think. The plexi-glass would get scratched in the process but I'm assuming it can be polished out like aluminum, right?
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