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Old 01-02-2005, 06:05 PM   #25
just can't cover up my redneck
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Columbus OH
Posts: 11,414
Hey lost wages... Just to make your life a bit easier if you ever need to do something like that again (bending a panel for the console top) there is a product known as "bender board" that makes quick work of that type of a project. It is a plywood type material that bends very easily. All you would need to do is push it down to the curve, like you did, and staple it in place. Then you could gain a significant amount of strength by doubling it with another layer with yellow wood glue between. You could then sand/round-over the edges, cut holes for switches or guages, etc.......and you can staple your upolstry to it too. It would be strong enough to make a hinged lid in that same curved shape too.

You may not find it at the typical home store but a real lumber yard or cabinet supply shop will have it.
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