He was interviewed earlier in the summer on one of the Spike car shows...I think it was that funkmaster flex one... his garage is awsome. He has at least one of every model shelby ever built. From the AC cobra, the the cobra mustangs to the FWD dodge cars....truely awsome collection.
Interestingly enough, the one that is his favorite is an 80-something silver 2 door omni/turismo/shelby thing...the little silver with blue stickers 2.2 non-turbo. (I found that part odd myself) An older woman calls him up one daz and offers him this silver Shelby dodge that was in perfect shape. She takes it to him and she tells him how much her husband loved the car and would never even consider selling it onless it was to Carrol himself. The guy had just passed and the widow could not think of a better way to honor her husband than by giving it to carrol.
Carrol was touched by this, and even though it is pretty much the most booring shelby made, (his words...not mine, although...I do agree) this car is now the most important one to him.