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Old 01-06-2005, 08:23 AM   #1
'70 C/10 SS500
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The Great Arizona Decision!!! Please help!

Well, my wife and I just got back from visiting the Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa area and are totally infatuated with moving there from here in California. We are looking to move no later than Feb., actually the sooner the better though. However, since my truck is a '70 and will have to be smogged being in the metro area I can't see how I can keep my truck with me when we move, I refuse to DETUNE a motor to meet smog requirements. Also, having a Cadillac motor in my truck probably isn't going to make things any easier either. If I can't find a way to get around having to smog my truck then I see no other alternative than to sell it and live the rest of my days in regret and sorrow! Can anybody offer any suggestions on what to do? I (we) have been so wrapped up in our excitement to get out of CA and also the general excitement of living in AZ that I have been avoiding this HUGE concern for too long. I really don't know what to do but I can't stand the thought of having to sell my baby! Please help!
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