If you are asking how to align the part with the steering box, it only fits one way. It is hard to tell with the nut still on, but the splines are shaped in a way that will prevent you from putting it on wrong.
BTW, buy, borrow, or rent a pitman arm puller. My auto parts store told me they did not have one to buy or borrow, and I broke several other types of pullers getting mine off. I went back to the auto parts store, and asked to look through their loaner tools. They did have a pitman arm puller. The guy didn't know what it was so, of course, he was sure they didn't have one.
With the right tool it comes off pretty easy. The nut is tightened to 150 or 175 ft lbs, or something like that, so an impact wrench might help a lot.
BTW, I used swervin's article to do mine, and it was very helpful.
PM me if you have any questions so that we don't derail this other guys thread any more than we have.