I agree with Fred T, just keep messing with it,,,press the button in and out while pulling and pushing on the door. Maybe just hit the door "lightly" with the side of your fist. That little spring in there and the latch can get worn out. That's what I did on one of mine. Sometimes it takes a little patience.
After you get it open don't shut it !!! LOL No really,,,,replace it , they're cheap,,,,,or do like I did,,,,,,Put in a locking button from a Freightliner,, I don't know the part # but it came in a set of door locks for a big 'ol truck !!!! Wifey brought home some obsolete parts from work one day that were going to be trashed. Found a Bosch alternator ( it fits, just ai'nt figured out the wiring) and a couple of bags of lock sets that included one that exactly fits the glove box door. I've got a locking glove box with a Freightliner key,,,,,ya never know what might work on these trucks !!!!!
72 custom/10 LWB
68 Longhorn C20 Custom Camper (sold)