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Old 01-09-2005, 07:01 PM   #3
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Hilliard Ohio
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Is that tranny a 200, (3 speed auto) or is it the 200 4R (overdrive)
If the former, then it shouldn't bolt to the 307 onless it has a whunch of extra unused holes on the bellhousing right now.
The 200 4R is almost a definate daul patern bellhousing, so it should swap. The drive shaft from a TH350 will fit perfectly, you'll need a tranny cooler, automatic tranny crossmember, a lock up controll unit and a TV cable kit. Bow Tie overdrives is expensive...but they are the best in the buisness. They'll tell you how to set up the TV cable so you don't fry it in one season.
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