I called the lady I have been dealing with at AV, and she informed me that some of the polocies have changed slightly, and GM is now involved earlier in the process (as in needing their approval BEFORE the process starts, as opposed to mid way thru like she originally informed me). As luck would have it, the person who is responsible for this at GM was/is (not sure on when) on vacation. I have called here once a week for the past two...starting to get sick of bugging her, and I don't want to push my luck either.
I still have everyones money, and my credit card has not been charged yet, at least to the best of my knowledge. If I don't hear back from her by mon or tue of next week I will give her a call yet again.
I am glad you posted this Joe, I was going to send one big PM to everyone involved this weekend sometime. If anyone wants to back out, just let me know and I will return your money. Not trying to rip anyone off, but when it comes to getting stuff done like this, it just takes some time for all parties involved to get on the same page. I have done my part, just waiting for them to do theirs.