SCOTI, what are the part numbers/brand of the 3150# bags?? I would also feel safer with those. Where is the cheapest place to get them from?? Could you post/PM me a whole list with part numbers and possibly prices of all the compenents in your set-up?? I would really appreciate it. I am new to all this stuff, but am very interested in bagging my truck. Just trying to learn. I won't be doing it for a while, but I figured the sooner I start planning, the better set-up I will have and won't have to do it twice.
71 Chevy Long Bed (gettin' bagged)
84 GMC K1500 (Sold)
85 Monte Carlo SS white w/gray int. (being a dumba** and totaled it  )
85 Monte Carlo SS clone T-top (Sold)
72 Chevelle-tubbed
64 Buick Sportwagon