Hey Ron, welcome to the board. You won't recognize my board name but I contacted you when you had your truck on e-bay. I'm a little surprised that somebody didn't bid on the parts, the prices were very reasonable in my opinion. I would say that 99% of that had to do with your location. If you really want to sell it I believe that the only way you would be able to do it whole is locally, unless you would be willing to ship and somebody would be willing to pay the shipping charges. If you can't do it that way I would suggest parting it out for shipping. You should easily be able to get what you were asking for the whole thing on e-bay with just the buckets and tach gauge. Do some research on the parts board to see what they go for, they go up for sale alot so you shouldn't have trouble finding something comparable. If you were within driving distance I would help you out but you have to be at least 4000 miles away.

If you need any info or advice just PM me.
Good luck,