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Old 01-19-2005, 03:27 PM   #12
Bob Moore
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Rod - I was not suggesting they were identical but that they were compatible for use if one was not doing a "restoration".

70 - That is a different set-up than the ones I have found for my 67,s. I have a firewall mounted bracket with a plastic wheel to guide a chain attached to the throttle arm. I removed mine from a GMC at the local junk yard complete with wire harness, brake switch, additional tab for brake pedal(as shown in the factory assembly manual). The wiring harness included wires for an additional switch on the clutch pedal but this truck was an automatic. Sadly I did not know how rare the cruise/turn lever was and did not get it or it was MIA.

A friend had a 71/72 Burb with factory cruise with the servo mounted down on the inner fender below the horn.
67 C-20 LWB, tilt, speed alert,
vac, 454, T400
67 C-10 SWB, factory air with
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