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Old 01-19-2005, 11:33 PM   #17
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Eastern - Manitoba Canada, Winnipeg
Posts: 4,369
I have gotten into the posts about cruise controls before...basically search my name and the word cruise in an advanced search and you'll get all kinds of posts with pics.

Bob I was implying the same thing regarding that 1975 vacuum pod, it would work.

ChipFlyer..yours looks correct for 71-72 era except for the lever of signal. 71-72 Trucks never used that type....they were under dash type...and there
are 2 kinds of those... one is the one in the pic of my hand above. The other Ill try to post also.

Hugger the cruise chromed lever is not era correct...correct has no word of cruise on it. Your vacuum pod firewall bracket I havent held that kind in hand. Is it bent so it will go on the firewall like in a pic I'll post here. I have seen the other bracket at the rear of the pod like in a pic below also. I wonder what style the pic of the pod on the firewall has..its a members here..maybe he will post.

70-402 your lever is correct...the servo is correct.. the vacuum pod is 68 type but the bracket that holds the pod I believe is wrong for truck I think, probably a different application in 68. That 4 prong switch is for the tranny kick down on a turbo 400 I believe.

I'll try to throw some pics up.

1 showing the vacuum pod off firewall of a 1970 truck.
2 showing a 68 truck cruise..except the lever is 67 car. It's fluted handle.
3 is a cruise brake vaccum disconnect the cruise switch off the pedal.
4 a 1972 NOS cruise
5 a 69-70 cruise..note just one vaccum line off the pod.. thats what I figure the difference is between 69 and the 70..assuming 70 has just one line. Wrong lever in that pic also.

I've been on this board near 8 years now and it's taken a long time to gather up info on what I figure is correct.. but I'm open to opinions. Those newer cruise levers will work and you'll have the cruise activated on the signal arm. wiring is the same and same plug.
the difference in the servo's is that it appears 68 used a sysytem where the speedo cable were posiiton one on front one on side. 69-70 up had speedo cable one above the other.

I do belive that GM dealers just grabbed what they could to make a cruise system work in this era. Mix and match happened I figure.
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