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Old 01-20-2005, 09:41 AM   #21
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Eastern - Manitoba Canada, Winnipeg
Posts: 4,369
From what I have gathered in looking these things became a dealer installed item in late 1970... to many problems with warranty being charged back to factory from what I interpret.

The parts books show this cruise button pictured here as 1970 after jobs and 71+ 72 cruise button. Part number 6465701 group 3.880

The chrome one is part number 6465627 same group 67-69 and 70 first jobs. Although I haven't seen a 67 truck with cruise on the glove box sheet even.

Closest I have seen is 68 on the board who by the way sent me this pic of his 68 vacuum pod...
so another version it seems.

Da-burb sent me this pic of engine bay from a 71 suburban he had that had cruise also. I think it was listed on the glove box also. I can't remember what he wrote back many years ago.

This took me over 8 years to gather up this kinda info..where else you gonna get it , but here.

The black lever with cruise written on it will work but is from newer than our vintage trucks.
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