Thread: SM465 Tranny?
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Old 01-22-2005, 12:54 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 2
Getting a 465/205 combo out of one of these trucks can be a bit difficult but it's not impossible. I do it by myself with a floor jack and some 2"x4" and 4"x4" lumber scraps. Just be careful while manhandling the things (they do weigh in the 400lb neighborhood combined) and keep your fingers/hands out of any path they might travel while falling. The key is really to split the trans and case before trying to drop them- doing it as a unit will probably result in pain. Having a buddy or two to help would be a plus, but like I said, it can be done solo.
1970 K5 (350/350/205, 6" [in the front, anyway], 35's)
1967 K10 LWB, 350/465/205, 4" susp. 3" body, 35's)
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