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Old 01-22-2005, 12:56 AM   #6
blood type; Retumbo
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park it for the winter & drive the Beemer
empty all the wood working tools out & I will come get them out of your way.
as for the problem at hand, it sounds like either the master or a wheel cylinder. look at all 4 wheels for signs of wettness. Im trying to remember if you have power brakes or just old "el manual". look at the rear of master for signs of leakage also. I personally would replace all 4 wheel cylinders & also the master as well as all 3 hoses. if one went the rest are gonna be following suit soon. I (& most likely you too) just hope it isnt a blown hard line. if you need assistance feel free to PM me for my phone # & I will be more than happy to help. (remember the timing?)
Todd aka Mr. Rescue
Man rule #77...if you own a 67 stepside with a caddy 472 you will never be in danger of loosing you man card
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