Originally Posted by 72k5
Letsee, top of my head...
1/2" (minimum) impact and socket for pinion nut, dial indicator and holder for setting backlash, low reading (0 to 30 lbs or so) torque wrench with dial readout for determining rotating torque of pinion, adapter from your small drive torque wrench to your large drive pinion nut socket, press with bearing puller to remove pinion bearing, 2 jaw puller (that fits) for removing diff side bearings, calipers to measure shims, lots of shims, spare crush sleeve or two if this is the first time you've set up a crush sleeve pinion, tube of prussian blue for gear patterning,
If you don't plan to do more than one or two in your life, you would probably be better off paying someone who does a lot of them to do it. Of course, if you just want to do it, and don't care how much the tools cost you, or how long it takes, go for it. Makes life more interesting.
I answered this question a while back, in more detail, you might search for that thread.
This is the onlt vehicle I plan on doing this with RIGHT NOW, but i'm only 20 years old, lots more vehicles will pass through my hands i'm sure, and I like having the tools, but I do hear their kinda costly.
I do already have all the basic tools and I have large and small 3 and 2 jaw pullers, and I have calipers, but I will most likely borrow a digital read out caliper to get a more accurate reading. I will need a dial torque wrench, only have one of those with a twisty handle that click, other than that I have everything BUT the more specialty tools, those are the ones I need to know what I need, i'll probably have a buddy press on new carrier bearings for me.
But, if I decided to have it done, what is an average cost to have the differentials setup? I have to do this front and rear, so its going to cost double what one differential setup costs, might be less to buy the couple tools I need!