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Old 01-28-2005, 11:13 AM   #10
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If you go with a 700/241. Both drivers and pass drop use factory adaptors. Pass drop will fit without any major mocifications and the 241 is fairly strong. I have a 90 3/4 ton and I use it for towing without any problems with the 241. ILf you go with a drivers drop, of course you will have to change the front axle to a ford, and redo the exhaust sysytem. The front end you will have to use has to come out of an earlier ford say from 77-80 leaf spring style. This is a direct bolt in and you can use the chevy brakes if put together correctly. Either way you are talking bank for the conversion. The easiest will be to fork out some money for the longer 205 adaptor to the 700. With the longer adaptor you do not have to bust the 700 open and will not affect the warranty. I didn't even get into the shifters and drivlines with the 241 swap.
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