Originally Posted by beaterC10
What other troubleshooting have you done? I don't think .02 amps is going to kill the battery overnight.
Since you have the meter, you might try some basic stuff if you haven't already.
With the truck running:
1. Check the voltage at the battery terminals, should be 13-14 volts, if not the alternator is not working or you have a bad connection.
2. Check the voltage across the alternator power lead and ground, again looking for 13-14 volts. If this is good the alternator is working, if not check the connections and belt tension.
You might also have the battery tested to make sure it will hold a charge. Look at the battery cables closely, heat, age, and corrosion will cause high resistance.
If these are good, maybe the .02 amp draw is the culprit, again I would be surprised.
with the truck not running, it reads 12.55 volts. with it running, its about 14.** volts.
the alternator is a 1 wire unit btw. the battery cables are brand new. the ground was put on last april and the positive one about a week ago.