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Old 01-31-2005, 01:42 PM   #1
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Buckets Or Bench

What do you folks prefer? I am trying to weight the pros and cons against each other. Here's my list so far:
Stock Bench:
-Have it already
-Looks Stock
-Seats 3

-Needs recover
-Needs Foam
-Not as stylish or comfortable as buckets

-Brand New, no need for parts
-Comfortable and Stylish
-Likely cheaper than rebuild in the long run
-Room for custom console

-Only seats 2
-Looks excellent, but not 100% stock.

Is there any point I missed? I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place. For function, I'd say bench, but I also have to think that I don't often have 3 people. Any suggestions anyone?
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