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Old 02-03-2005, 05:12 PM   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Lyons Michigan
Posts: 10
That is true but you want to check the choke coil operation by warming it with a lighter. When fully warm it will hold the choke flap fully open. Later types have vacuum pull offs to help pull the choke flap open, you may have that kind. If so check the pull off operation with a vacuum pump. The vacuum pull off will work with the engine running and has no effect when the engine isnt running. I use coat hanger wire to make a linkage to the proper length, some times I make a few before I have the right one.
Also the choke linkage will push the choke flap closed when you push the throttle all the way open, WHEN COLD. For proper performance the choke flap must open all the way when at operating temp., if it stays partly closed the engine will run poorly and get bad gas mileage. Let me know if you have any problems, I may have missed something.
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