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Old 02-04-2005, 03:00 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Lebanon TN
Posts: 14
Why does the spark jump

On the 350 motor that I am trying to put in my truck I have a wiring problem or something. I put a new distributor cap, new module, new rotor button, and new plugs.Not because of this problem but because I wasn't getting fire.Now I am getting fire just not where I want it to be. When I turn it over a spark jumps from the ignition coil to the number 1 spark plug boot on the top of the distributor. Oh and I just put a new ignition coil in it thinking that was it. So that is the only thing I have really changed out trying to diagnose this problem. Thanks for any help I am trying to get this thing running.
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