Originally Posted by 6772king
in mine I just used all the factory stuff and moved everthing ahead a couple of inches,,, downfall is you have to get all new driveshafts made,,, but mine were junk anyhow,,,they hit the road 1 two many times!!!!LOL!! and that was just with a little 327!! the 3 inch body lift will work in you favor also ,,,I can take pics of both setups ( with and without body lifts) if you want,,I have very tall valve covers on my blazer with no body lift
Did you shift everything forward to get enough clearance to the firewall? If so, where were the tight spots? Right now, I'll tend to massage the firewall to get enough clearance. I'd rather not spend more $$$ on my driveshafts, although it's not a big deal. I had to replace mine not to long ago due to an "unfortunate incident" with a log...lol Please post the pics with the body lift if you have them handy...gracias