I'm in the fifth year of my 2 year frame off restoration.

Actually I bought another parts truck and I am doing the frame up build on that frame. One hint of advice, Buy a bunch of the ziploc freezer bags that you can write on and a pack of sharpies. Keep the nuts and bolts to each part in a seperate baggie. You will end up with probably 25 bags, but you won't have to play "guess which bolt I need" when the rebuild time comes around. I will never take another thing apart without doing this. As far as time, take what you honestly think will be enough time and double it. As far as money, take what you think it will cost and double it. I am not kidding. This is pretty much par for the course and I'd bet most of the guys on here will agree with me. Last, but not least, take lots of pictures for the guys on that cool website you hang out at.
