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Old 02-02-2005, 02:34 PM   #21
bigblock73's Avatar
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I am in the middle of mine as well! Rather than give a big long speech, I will just tell you the most important thing I have learned.

1. Zip Lock bags and Sharpies.
2. LOTS of storage space will be needed.
3. "Before" pictures ALWAYS help, especially during reassembly.
4. Don't throw anything away, you will more than likely need a piece off of it or need it for reference.
5. Have a plan of attack.
6. Don't skimp, always buy the best there is...even if it means it is more expensive. Buying cheaper parts or less-than-perfect parts will only come back to bite you.

Hope this helps a little, and I am sure you will learn your own secrets as you go.
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