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Old 02-10-2005, 01:51 AM   #2
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
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I would say the following - Just my opinion:

Original seats with belts and brackets

The seats should be worth $200-$250 I would think, even with needing covers and foam. Maybe more if you can find somebody locally who wouldn't have to pay for shipping. The prices on buckets seems to be a little soft lately.

-Original spare tire mount

I would think at least $100. I've seen a couple lately that were in good shape and had the retaining cap and bolt that brought closer to $125.

-'71 front clip (everything...fenders, core support, etc)

Depending on condition, anywhere between $150 and probably $400 if it's pretty rust free. Again, you're limited because the stuff is too hard to ship.

-460776.....305...78-79...2 motor with a three on the tree tranny

The 305's and the 3 speed aren't worth anything to me, just my opinion.

-Manual Transmision cross member

No idea, maybe $25

-Radiator for manual tranny

An original radiator isn't worth much, in my opinion.

-Rear hatch...not in great shape, but a rear hatch none-the-less

If it's repairable, probably only $50 tops.
'72 Chevy Blazer
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