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Old 02-11-2005, 01:45 AM   #5
sactoC10's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Northern CA / Sac
Posts: 1,055
Ya'all make it sound so simple...but you have no idea how clueless I am. And yes, I do feel like a fool admitting it! Still don't "see" exactly what to do in my mind. I do understand bigjimz wet paper towel procedure, but is that firing order starting at the front passenger side, that plug #1?

Sorry, but GREEN I am. Dad sold cars, hated them and never wanted to touch them when home. No shop classes, just sort of learning as I go!
5/4 drop LWB wood bed - 15x8 front 235/60 - 15x10 rear 295/50
2003 FORD Escape
1998 Honda VTR1000
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