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Old 02-14-2005, 01:46 AM   #10
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Location: Jim Thorpe, PA
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Originally Posted by JIMs70GMC
A dually front axle is about 8" wider than a SRW axle. The spacers allow you to use the dually rims on the front.
If you can find a divorced 205 transfer case from a 69-74 dodge you would not have to change much.
Thanks a bunch Jim... I was wondering if you knew exactly what spacers were used? At a junkyard, I noticed a few 2wd Ford box trucks use 8 lug aluminum type spacers. Not sure if they would compatible or would require machining.

Originally Posted by JIMs70GMC
The 205 is the only divorced TC with the eception of single speed NP200 and NP201s. As for the divorced set up, yes there is a short driveshaft between the two and it would be best to set the tc dead center of the front/rear axles so that your driveshafts front&rear would be the same. The 208 and 241 are aluminum cases that have to be attached to your tranny. Where they are coupled to the tranny one has a male and the other a female and they slide together.
I had to do some looking at some junk trucks before asking another question. Your location suggestion for the np205 tc is interesting to me. Guessing the linkage would have to be alterated (no biggie)? As well as maybe replacing the carrier bearing with the tc? Then altering the present rear shafts, then having 2 front drive shafts made? With that location, looks like I won't have to fool around with my exhaust as well as having tranny options in the future. This of course is all without me actually crawling under there and taking measurements. Just trying to plan ahead so I don't lay up the truck too long, with racing season approaching.

1984 C30 Chevy Crew Cab Dually
1998 Jeep Cherokee 4x4
2004 Chevy Trailblazer 4x4 (wife's)
1970 Mustang FB fully tubed (getting 521 BBF & powerglide)
1978 Nova 2dr (going BBCaddy & S.P. th400)
1984 Monte SS (circle track car)
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