PONT has it.. I am a jeweler and of course use the stuff everyday.
Clear back a little of the paper on the rouge and as the wheel is spinning push the rouge into it. you don't want to eat up the rouge on the wheel but you need the wheel to have a good covering of the rouge.
There's a saying with this stuff," Let the rouge do the work" in other words , Don't push too hard on the wheel with whatever you're polishing,add more rouge and depending on what you're polishing and what type of polishing you're doing is what type of rouge you use, and there's many different types. Soms will eat up metal pretty fast and others will give it the high luster shine. I keep a piece of rouge in one hand (about an inch square,or round) and the ring or pendant I'm polishing in the other and VERY OFTEN add rouge to the wheel. You want "the wheel" to run at about 1600 to 2400 RPM.
I've never tried to redu side chrome or a GRILLE but I have shined up wheels and polished a couple of tunnel-rams and alternators and did the HOLLEY CARB polishing like PONT did.
There is different wheels also that will do different polishing tasks. hard felt for "cutting" and flattening and soft muslin for that final "DEEP" polish..
I could write a book on it, someone else has already done it. ha,ha,ha
GOOD LUCK ! any questions E-MAIL me..