I don't have experience with specialty steering box providers, but I do have some reputable sites you might be interested in:
WestTexasOffRoad: Read the tech area. Matt Hodges has some info you can do yourself.
Howe Perf: They offer steering boxes and pumps for 4x4s. Been around a long time.
MotherTruckers: I recently saw MotherTruckers post that they now sell AGR steering boxes and pumps.
Originally Posted by tnblazerk5
have ya checked the frame around the box for cracks ????? i thought my steering box was bad too but it was the frame cracked and let the box move sum i got a frame repair kits and fixed it now i need to get the box/frame stiffner to keep it from happin again
if you are running big tires or 4 wheel alot you need the box/frame stiffner even if the frame is not cracked
Are you speaking of an experience with one of your 73-up GM trucks? GM used a much-to-weak frame on 73-8? pickups, blazers, & burbs that made the steering box frame area much-too-prone to cracking under not-so-great stress. AFAIK, 67-72 GM truck frames have no such concerns though your point on big tires or hard 4 wheeling adding considerable stress to steering box frame mounts beyond factory design parameters is certainly valid.