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Old 02-24-2005, 02:27 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Lorain (Cleveland) Ohio
Posts: 69
Idea that might help us northerners

I've seen a few instances where undesireable cabs were scrapped because they were "bad" by southern terms. Trust me up north many of the ones we have are GONE until you get up about 8 inches and then just to frustrate us THEY'RE FINE!!!! Now, it's understandable that no one wants to try to pay the shipping on a less than perfect cab. And many of us aren't able to transport an item that large even if we wanted to make a 2,000 mile round trip. HOWEVER, it would be great if before you decided to scrap it if you could cut the bottom 8 inches off the cab. This would at least be shippable. I just priced out the panels needed to repair my Ohio cab and we're talking about $600 just for the panels.....and then they all have to be pieced together and welded. In translation that means NOT WORTH IT. Now I know they ALL need rockers typically, but there's a big difference between a couple cab corners and rockers and completely rebuilding a northern cab. In my case the truck has some sentimental value, but at some point if you replace enough stuff the truck looses its "soul". Also it'd take me DAYS to do it all piecemeal, but if I had a donor "pan" I could at least have a SOLID USUABLE cab in a day. Just a for your .02
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