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Old 02-24-2005, 03:55 PM   #9
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Hey Dano, been to the Autozone site 1000 times, never got into that section. A lot of good info there.

Garry, first off, welcome to the board. Have to agree with John on deciding what you NEED in your area. If you are somewhere that does emission testing for inspection, you're in for some serious work, it's all gotta go back like it is on that sticker, and that motor isn't set up to accept all those parts. My guess is that the engine has been replaced with an older one. Your intake manifold not only doesn't have a place for an EGR, but also doesn't have a place for the second four port thermal vacuum switch (one of the devices on your schematic) which would be a threaded hole in the intake near the water inlet. Your exhaust manifolds don't have the tubes for the A.I.R. system, there's no A.I.R. pump, no deceleration valve. A lot of what's associated with the canister vacuum lines is not even on your motor. Even with the right motor in there, it's a BIG job to resore all that, GM doesn't make some of that stuff anymore. It can be done, but it turns into months of research and parts chasing and junkyard digging. Just did all that, we have emissions tests here.

Looking at that diagram under your hood, all those ports on the carb that are designated with letters like FJBLTH are shown roughly where they actually are on the carb. The carb even has those letters embossed and/or stamped into the metal, but some you can't see unless you have the carb in your hands.

With any luck, you live where all they do is basic inspection, in which case all you need to worry about is the basic vacuum stuff needed to make it run right, like vacuum advance, the PCV portion of it. If that's the case, you will have a bunch of plugged and capped vacuum ports.

Guess you're looking at either restoring it to match that sticker, in which case you have a roadmap to work off of but an engine that won't support the parts and systems without changing the intake and exhaust manifolds (which incidentally may not pass emissions test anyway once finished if it's an old high milage engine), or forgetting all that and doing your own custom as needed vacuum routing if you can pass inspection without emissions test.

My sticker is an XDJ which is almost identical to yours, mine just has one more port on the canister with one more small hose to the air cleaner. Other than that, it's the same. Pics of mine would be helpful if you have to bring it back to emission standards, but if you don't have to go that route, then they would be useless.

Best of luck.

1984 Chevy C-10
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