I can't answer about the bolt hole for the clutch z-bar. I will say that I have found a hole for everything I wanted to bolt on. I am running an automatic. As for other issues, it's been mostly conversion type problems. Fuel tank with a sending unit for a larger return vs fuel source, pulley system, fuel system fittings, etc. The literature that comes with the motor is not real clear either. It left me scratching my head more than once. Of course if I did this again, it would seem way to simple. GM now has answer for some of these questions. They sell a complete serpentine pulley system, air cleaner, fuel fittings, etc. It really should be as simple as connecting a few wires, and firing the bad boy up, if only the directions were clear. I should write a book on this now! Hope this helps, and feel free to ask any questions if you choose to install one of these motors.
I did find Burt Chevrolet (Denver) and Scoggin Dickeys to be helpful with some of my questions.