As stated, a clean tip is important. I would set the act. at 4-6 lbs and the oxy at about 30 with a 0 tip (it is a cutting tip and not a welding tip?). You will have a flame within a flame. When you light it it will be yellowish and as you add oxy a blueish small cone shaped flame will be just past the end of the tip. Adjust till it is at its sharpest point and your ready. As you learn you might vary your mixtures a little depending on what you are cutting.
When you cut the angle of the torch helps too. You don't want the slag filling in behind you. Get a piece of scrap metal and practice cutting. The tip is supposed to be just a little away from the metal. That little blue cone in flame is your hottest point. if you get tip to close you will get popping, etc.
Check valves are between hose and torch. about 1-1/4" long. male/female threads. one left threaded and one right threaded.
Also, on knobs that you adjust your fuel mixtures, there is nut at stems. You may want to gently snug down on them. not to much cause your adjustment knobs will be hard to turn.
Finally, make sure when cutting, your feet are not under what you are cutting cause some of those red hot blobs fall in your shoe, they burn like H**L. (learned that the hard way)
Indy survivor
Norwood survivor
Big Sandy survivor
for those who fight for it...
has a price the protected
will never know.