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Old 03-01-2005, 12:51 PM   #1
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Question Rear leaf question(s)

I have a 76 Chevy heavy 3/4 ton 4x4 that the bed sits crooked on. (Looks like ****) I assume that it is like that because the leaf springs atleast on the one side has lost its original arch. I have found a place that can re-arch them for me but its a lot cheaper if I take them off and take them into them. Has anyone had any experience taking off the rear leaf springs? Is it a big job to undertake? I figure I should plan on getting new u-bolts since they have never been off and expect them to either twist off or will have to be cut off to even get them off. If any one has some info on this or an opinion, all would be appreciated. Also if anyone knows what the stock arch on my leaf springs is I need to know that too.

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